Galileo Games Newsletter #12

Galileo Games Newsletter #12

I'm writing this newsletter today, sick, so it's gonna be on the shorter side. August was a big month with getting The Old Ways Must Go and The Optimist's Guide to Tarot out the door. We're plugging away at the last 'zine for the Kickstarter and quietly prepping the back end for online sales to go live once the shipments go out. Plus, Metatopia, (our favorite game designers' playtesting convention) is just a couple of months away and we're looking to show off some new concepts and planning to pitch a few panels.


We've gotten softcover copies of Katanas & Trenchcoats back in stock. Just in time for the Bulldogs' Labor Day Sale, too. You got that notice in your email, right?

The Old Ways Must Go – Online Class!

Samphire is teaching a class next week through the Houston Jung Center, using The Old Ways Must Go. The blurb and signup information follows...

How dare we hope for futures we cannot yet imagine? Learn how using old tools in new ways can offer a scaffolding for moving past fear and grief, and into the possibility of new paradigms. The tarot – or the use of image-heavy cards to illicit intuitions about a hidden present or future reality – began its life as simple playing cards. These simple cards were “hacked” by the practice of divination: their historical and cultural context was completely reimagined, and they were made to perform in new and unexpected ways. Join us as we “hack” the tarot again, and find solutions and deep collaboration with shared imagery. Bring your own tarot or other art-centric deck of cards (or simply a set of meaningful images) and join with others in structured play. Discover solutions to problems through honoring what must pass, and by and weaving together ideas for what's next.

You can find out more at the Jung Center's event website, and if you like, sign up for the class.

What's New on the Horizon

I've just made up a current list of the things that we're actively working on. There's easily half a dozen big projects taking up space, and a few small ones too.

  • In Good Company — The last of this batch of the Tarot for Transformation 'zines. It's essentially finished and layout is happening literally right now. This will be heading to Kickstarter backers as soon as we can, and will be available to the public soon after.
  • My Dear Lady Disdain – Which needs a little bit more testing, and I've just had some ideas for art and design. Right now it's low priority, since it's currently "stable."
  • Curvy Cryptids Roller Jam – Planning on taking this one to Metatopia again, now that I've worked out some of the major kinks with making gameplay work. Hopefully it's just about ready to start getting designed and art-ed.
  • Kung-Fu Kittens – Basically just needs some package design to get it out the door. Other than that, it's ready to go.
  • The Hiroshige-inspired adventure book for Thousand Arrows idea. Might be a next-year project, not sure it's getting in the queue as a primary thing right now.
  • Project Fury – Nothing to do with Nick Fury, but a concept for a one vs. many card/storytelling game.
  • The Ourobouros Loop – my friend Tracy is running a game jam on for which I've decided to make a small game. Mostly just a little fun project that will be given away for free.
  • A Magic Supplement for Katanas & Trenchcoats – It feels like we're finally getting to a point with this where the foundations are done, and we can start the work of filling it out, but that's hard to pin down for sure.

Until next time friends, stay healthy.

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