Galileo Games Newsletter #11

Galileo Games Newsletter #11
The Old Ways Must Go playmat

New releases are released! FlameCon is coming right up! Reprints are printing! Plans for the future are being revealed! Read on for more!

New line, New releases

About a year ago, Tim pitched a design concept to a friend who required a distraction. This pitch became the outline of a game design over the next few hours, and that game design has evolved over the last year into a successful Kickstarter campaign, three 'zine-sized books, and continuing plans for more! We're calling this series "Tarot for Transformation," and it's been really invigorating, both as its own creative project and also in the ways it supports creative thinking in lots of other spaces.

We've started fulfilling the Old Ways Must Go Kickstarter campaign, so if you missed that, you can now start getting the digital versions of these zines on our web store.

Physical versions of these two books and the playmat (shown above) are already in process and will be posted around the end of August after they ship to backers.

The Old Ways Must Go (PDF)
The Old Ways Must Go is a tool for collaborative deconstruction that is playable like a game, using your own tarot or oracle deck. The Old Ways Must Go explores how individual agency and collective storytelling come together to create new meanings from old structures: it is hopeful, collaborative, and reflective. It allows for brave conversations and intuitive insights about how we engage in meaning-making. And, at its best, it supports healing conversations for supporting fracturing or frustrated communities to re-engage and find a path forward.
The Optimist’s Guide to Tarot (PDF)
The Optimist’s Guide to Tarot is a complete set of interpretive write-ups written in a deck-neutral fashion through a lens of optimism. Each entry is based on anywhere between three and twelve different decks, looking for consistent details, and contains 78 individual card entries, plus broad strokes thoughts about each elemental suit and rank. Written by two non-traditional tarot practitioners with backgrounds in creative work and the sciences, the book takes the information it finds useful and consistent from a variety of great sources and layers in their methodical understanding of science, psychology, and storytelling to craft an easy-to-use reference point for anyone interested in learning more about tarot, but especially for those interested in learning more about their favorite decks.

FlameCon, August 17-18!

We exhibited at the first FlameCon back in 2015 and we're delighted to be returning for FlameCon's 10th anniversary, in tandem with our lovely pals from Scryptid Games where we'll have all manner of Cryptid delights to share. We'll be demoing Curvy Cryptid Roller Jam, My Dear Lady Disdain and more!

Reprints are coming soon

Once Thousand Arrows went into distribution, we knew it was time to start placing reorders for books that we'd run out of. This means that we've also got the paperback edition of Katanas & Trenchcoats coming, in case you have been holding out for that.

Plans for the Future

Various pieces from Hiroshige Utagawa's 100 Famous Views of Edo

Recently, Tim went to the Brooklyn Museum to see an exhibition of Hiroshige Utagawa's 100 Famous Views of Edo. These pieces are really fun woodblock prints that were made as commercial art, essentially like tourist postcard books! They're wonderfully evocative and many of them felt like they told such a clear story that Tim now wants to create a series of Thousand Arrows adventures inspired by some of these prints.

But that's a project for the future. For now, stay visionary, friends!

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